Meet Dr. Mark Cohen - The L.A. Gum Doctor

Dr. Mark Cohen received his advanced training in Periodontics & Dental Implants at the University of California, Los Angeles, during an era where biology and technology converged and an exciting new Periodontal profession was born. In this era, dental implants, Biologics (healing proteins), which grow new healthy gum and bone, and dental lasers which eliminate Periodontal (gum) disease in a minimally invasive procedure were developed and flourished.
Dr. Cohen has treated thousands of patients for periodontal disease, gum recession, rebuilding lost jawbone, and placed over 6000 Dental Implants in the years since his residency at UCLA.
Dr. Cohen is a pioneer in Laser Periodontal Therapy in conjunction with Biologics (healing proteins) to eliminate bacterial infection in the gums and to restore new attachment of the gum to the teeth roots and jawbone. Dr. Cohen has lectured to the Academy of Laser Dentistry at their annual national meeting on lasers and use of Biologics in regards to Periodontal (gum) disease. Dr. Cohen serves as an
Expert Witness in Laser Periodontal legal cases on a national level.
Dr. Cohen places dental implants in complex cases requiring rebuilding of the jawbone and gum tissue. Dr. Cohen is recognized as a leader in the dental implant arena and has lectured on implants nationally and recently spoke to the Korean American Dental Society on a new and improved implant design.
Dr. Cohen has been repairing gum recession and the bone underneath the recession with state of the art Biologics. Patients are truly amazed when they see their long looking, unsightly teeth roots returned to their pre-diseased appearance. Now their repaired gums are covered with healthy and pink gum tissue. The new tissues are healthier than even the original tissues!
In addition, Dr. Cohen has advanced the art of repairing gum recession with the Pinhole Surgical Technique.
Dr. Cohen is certified as a Wilckodontics Specialist. A Wilckodontics Specialist is trained to assist the orthodontist (braces) to align the teeth in 3-8 months rather than the standard 12-24 months. Dr. Cohen performs procedures which allow this rapid orthodontic movement as well as build up the gum and bone in the same procedure. Dr. Cohen’s motto for a patient receiving Wilckodontics is 3X FASTER BRACES and 3X STRONGER TEETH at the conclusion of orthodontic (braces) treatment.
Dr. Cohen’s Education, Achievements and Hobbies

- Completed undergraduate studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
- Received Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia
- US Air Force, McChord AFB, Tacoma, Washington Captain in the USAF active duty as a restorative dentist
- Participated as a Boy Scoutmaster for mentally challenged young men while serving in the Air Force
- Cosmetic Dentist in private practice, Tel Aviv, Israel
- Lecturer in operative (restorative) dentistry, University of Tel Aviv School of Dentistry
- Resident University of California School of Dentistry, Los Angeles, California, Dept. of Periodontics
- Private Practice Periodontics and Dental Implants in metro Los Angeles: 3 locations
- Continuing education in dental lasers, dental implants, gum and bone regeneration, Wilckodontics
- Lectures in implants and dental lasers to national societies
- Expert witness as a dental laser expert nationally
- One beautiful daughter, Amanda, that makes life sweeter and challenging
- Loves live music, recorded music, fitness, and healthy foods and evolving techniques for my Periodontal Profession